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国外小哥哥KennyK ASMR的中文音声

ASMR触发猜测入睡-您正确听到了吗?[德语] 嘿ASMR熟睡中的朋友们!今天有一个ASMR Trigger Guess入睡-您听到正确的视频了。在评论中写下您的想法和解决方案! ASMR Trigger Erraten zum Einschlafen - Hörst Du Es RICHTIG? [deutsch] Hey ASMR Einschlaf Freunde !heute gibt es ein ASMR Trigger Erraten zum Einschlafen - Hörst Du Es RICHTIG Video.Schreibt eure Gedanken und Lösungen in die Kommentare !
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DiamondASMR为Art Gallery Feature RP速写

谢谢您的光临,如此最后一刻!演出时间不多,明天就没事了,所以我们需要快点。我会做一个粗略的草图(我不是一个好的抽屉),但是该草图将被用作绘画的杰作! Thank you for showing up so last minute! We don't have much time with the show being tomorrow and all so we need to hurry. I will do a rough sketch (I'm not a good drawer) but that sketch will be used to make a painting masterpiece! [ASMR] Sketching You For Art Gallery Feature RP
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有一天,当我发泄我无法随时从麦克风中提取声音时,植物大佬鲍勃·鲍勃(Bob Burly)向我遗赠了新芽,我很高兴与您分享他们的赏金。 ASMR Sound Sprouts (Mic Pulling)ASMR发芽(麦克风拉动) One day when I was venting about not being able to pull sounds from microphones whenever I wanted, Big Burly Bob The Botanist bequeathed Sound Sprouts unto me, and I'm happy to share their bounty with you.
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