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Cherry Crush催眠刷嗡嗡声和宁静的水声

Many people reach out to me asking questions about anxiety, depression and other life challenges and share that ASMR is a great resource for them. But if you need more than ASMR, I strongly recommend online counseling. I've included a link above to BetterHelp, where you can connect with a real, licensed professional counselor. It costs as low as $35 per week and you never have to leave your house, you can can meet your therapist by phone, video or chat 🙂 Hypnotic Brush...
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VR 180 角色扮演:Suna 꿀꿀선아的皮肤管理店

今天的ASMR视频是VR!皮肤管理店的ASMR角色扮演。 不需要VR设备,只要触摸画面或者来回移动手机,就可以环视整个画面! 这次利用在YouTube和LG u+很好的机会,学习了VR的拍摄和编辑,制作了视频!我将展示给你们!! 那么我希望今天的视频也是让开心的视频。 大家晚安,做个好梦,度过美好的一天!! ASMR VR 숙면을 위한 피부관리샵 롤플 [VR 180]ASMR ROLEPLAY,상황극,꿀꿀선아
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嗨!希望大家喜欢这个视频!您在ASMR中最喜欢的麦克风是:3dio,Yeti或Rode麦克风?如果您还没有订阅,请记住订阅并打开通知,这样您就不会错过任何新视频! Hi! I hope you guys enjoy the video! What is your favorite mic in ASMR: 3dio, Yeti, or the Rode mics? Remember to subscribe and turn on notifications if you haven't already, so that you don't miss any new videos! Intense 3Dio Triggers in Bed (Ear Brushing, Mic Brushing, Trigger Words, Cupping)
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안녕하세요:D 이제 날씨가 부쩍 여름다워졌어요 아직 매미소리는 들리지않지만 그 친구들이 울기 시작하면 또 완전한 계절이 온걸 느낄수있을것같아요 다시 돌아온 수다영상! 하고싶은 말은 많은데 머릿속에 뒤죽박죽이라 촬영시간이 어떻게 지나갔는지 모르겠어요ㅎㅎ 그치만 정말 하고싶은얘기는 여러분 사랑해요! (요번영상에는 외부 자동차소리가 좀식 섞여있어요ㅠㅠ) 你好 现在天气突然变得像夏天了 虽然还听不到蝉的声音 那些朋友们开始哭的话,又会感受到完整的季节到来 重新回来的聊...
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